Tuesday, June 2, 2009

Podcast 01

Alex and Debo talk about today's headlines, the upcoming NBA Finals, and the first part of the baseball season.


@prixdc said...

If there is one nugget of information that anyone should take from this episode, it is this:

Pau Gasol is a ninny.

Great job, fellas, keep it up. Oh, and that's a freaking sweet header graphic.


Steve-O said...

Good shit boys! I'm impressed. Nice tidbits on the finals! I ate a roast burger for lunch today and it was almost as good as LeBron James in game 5. I agreed with most of your comments (especially voting in Frenchy and Schafer to the All Star game.....ha)except that the Braves are out of that wild card race. With the aquisition of McLouth, Hudson finally healthy, and Hanson on his way up, the Bravo's might surprise some folks! Holla!