Tuesday, September 29, 2009

Cubicle QB - September 29, 2009

Busy week... I’m a little under the weather… This Cubicle QB may be a little shorter than most, but don’t worry – I’ll make it up to you.

Shoulda, Woulda, Coulda…
Here a couple of things we know to be true:
1. It’s a long, long SEC season. All the hits a QB takes can certainly take their toll.
2. Florida always beats Kentucky. The past twenty-two times, as a matter of fact.

Knowing those two things, I’d imagine that Urban Meyer would like another crack at that third down call late in the third quarter Saturday night.
I don’t have a problem with running up the score. The pollsters, the computers, and the BCS system are asking for it. I don’t have a problem with Tebow being on the field late in the third quarter of a blowout. I don’t even have a problem with Tebow dropping back to pass late in the third quarter of a blowout. But you’d better give him adequate protection… even extra protection.
The Gators sent out five receivers near the goal line leaving only five linemen to protect their stud QB. This time it cost them… and may have cost them dearly.
The good news is that Tebow gets an extra week of rest since Florida is on a bye week before heading to LSU. But the simple fact is that Meyer could have run up the score without leaving Tebow vulnerable. The Gators strength season has been running the ball, and their receiving corps has been injury-ridden and disappointing. The smart play was to the run the ball and keep your Heisman QB upright.
I understand Meyer was probably hoping to gain valuable game-time reps for his offense, and he certainly thought he was doing the right thing. But didn’t your mom teach you not play with fire, Urban??

Call of the Week
Despite an upset riddled weekend, it was a bit of a dull week as far announcing goes. So as much as it pains me, I’m offering up Brett Favre and his magical game winning throw in… gulp… Minnesota.

Monday Obits
Kansas City Chiefs. Scott Pioli and Todd Haley are making many friends in KC these days. If you don’t believe me, read Jason Whitlock’s complete undressing of the dynamic duo from the Kansas City Star. Needless to say, the “Chefs” (remember that Snickers commercial) have no business competing with the Ravens, Jets, and Colts of the AFC.

The Deceased: Oakland Raiders, Detroit Lions, Cleveland Browns, Kansas City Chiefs

Debo’s Xs & Os
I give up. Next week.

The Weekend Menu
Not surprisingly, the game of the week involves a certain veteran quarterback facing his team of yesteryear under a Minnesota dome. Brett Favre faces his old Packer teammates for the first time since the retirement drama spun wildly out of control 18 long months ago.
And since we’ve already enjoyed brats this fall, we’ll try a Minnesota pork chop recipe. To make this easier on both of us, I’ll just use a link this time. It’s a simple recipe, and it sounds pretty good… even if it is from Minnesota.

For beer, nothing goes better with Minnesota than good American Miller Brewing Co beer. In this case, treat yourself to the Champagne of Beers, Miller High Life.

Don’t forget to send your comments, emails, and gripes. And enjoy your football and enjoy it often!

1 comment:

A.C. said...

How much longer until the Titans are dead and gone in your Obits section?