Wednesday, June 10, 2009

Email Correspondence

Matt just moved, and I'm going out of town this weekend, so we didn't think we'd be able to get a podcast up in the next couple days. In lieu of that, we decided to shoot some emails back and forth throughout the day and discuss some NBA topics.

On Wed, Jun 10, 2009 at 11:59 AM, Debo wrote:

I can’t let you get a big head just for holding serve at home court in game three, so I thought I’d start a little email back and forth to bring some reality to this situation. First of all, there’s no way the Magic can shoot the lights out of the Amway Center like they did last night – they can shoot well, but not that well. Everybody remember the 75% first half record, but they also finished shooting over 62% and the Lakers barely broke 51% (in part to Kobe crumbling down the stretch, but I digress). The concern for the Magic is that they can’t shoot any better and the Lakers still had a chance in the final minute. Give Kobe an extra day’s rest (like for Game 5 on Sunday) and you have expect him playing more than 7 minutes in the fourth quarter, which leads me to my next point.

Phill Jackson finally gets all of his ones back into the game with only 6 minutes remaining the game! I know they were playing on short rest, and they had to travel. And I know the Lakers had a 2-0 lead. And I know Phil likes to saves his starters for the final push. And I realize that Phil probably only wants to steal one game in Orlando and try to close this out in six… but come on!? This series would have been over if LA had jumped out to a 3-0 lead. Instead, Orlando beats up on Sasha, Farmar, and Walton while Kobe and Fish get too cold to close the game. Does that help the Lakers on Thursday and Sunday – I doubt it… but if they can get a game in Orlando, it will make the trip back to LA a lot more comfortable. And think that’s Phil’s only goal in Florida this week.

Orlando shot so well, they only had five offensive rebounds and only two more total rebounds than LA. I think Orlando has to outrebound LA to keep winning games. The Lakers are good enough as it is – I mean, they were in the game until the final minute even with Orlando shooting over sixty percent. They might be unbeatable with a healthy rebounding advantage. That gives Bynum, Gasol, and Lamar easy points, invigorates their defense, and likely creates foul shot opportunities. Orlando won, but they’ll need more boards to duplicate Game 3’s success.

Finally, they got great games from everybody (Howard, Turk, Alston, Lewis all had more than at least 18 points). Can they catch that kind of lightning in a bottle again and again? I don’t think so, and even if they do, the game is still close (like last night).

I still the Lakers have got control and now it looks like Lakers in six…

On Wed, Jun 10, 2009 at 1:27 PM, Alex wrote:

I actually got a big head and then let it go away because of all the time that has passed already. Sending me the first email at noon? Really? Who does work anyways? While I think you have a point in terms of the Magic not getting too comfortable, we do have a series my friend. Orlando could have very well won game two and there's no reason they can't roll off two more wins at home before the series shifts back to LA. (If that does happen, the NBA would have to go 2-2-1-1-1 for the Finals, right?) The reason the Lakers kept it close was because of their offensive boardage and the countless times the Magic squandered opportunities, specifically in the open floor.

I still think the Lakers take the series, but don't count Dwight and Co. out just yet. Hey, did you know that there was a hockey game last night?

On Wed, Jun 10, 2009 at 2:08 PM, Debo wrote:

A friend of mine told me about said hockey game and I ended up watching the last three minutes. The Pens did well to close out the game and force some excitement back into the NHL. I hate to admit it, but the hockey game was entertaining, but not appointment TV entertaining. It was just as entertaining as if I walked in front of the TV to find softcore porn rolling at three in the afternoon. I don't why it's there, I don't care how it ends, but I'm not changing the channel until I figure out the plot. Same with hockey -- I just need to get a feel for it, and I'm ready to move on.

On to bigger and brighter things... like the Memphis Grizzlies!! There's a little known thing called the draft coming up soon. And I think there's an elephant in the room right now: Rubio will be polite about it, but Rubio wants no part of playing basketball in Memphis more than twice a year. Period. End of story. The Commercial Appeal, the Grizz, and Rubio's agent can dress it up however they want... but that's a fact. I think the Grizz have got to move the pick. Stay in the top ten, add a solid bench player, pick up expiring deals, etc So let's begin a discussion on what the Grizz SHOULD do.

Two rules:

1. Not what the Grizz will do (we can do that later), but what they should do.

2. Salaries don't have to match exactly, but they should be close with draft picks to fill in the gaps.

Throwing out crazy idea #1 (it even goes against moving down and it'll never happen, but it should). The Clips aren't enamored with Blake Griffin and Rubio wants to be in LA (I'm not sure if understands the difference between Clipper and Laker, however). The Clips desparately want to shed Baron Davis and to pick up expiring deals. So the Grizz and the Clips make the following swap:

Memphis sends the #2 and #27 picks, Hakim Warrick (expiring $3 mil in 2010), Darko (expiring $7.5 mil in 2010)

Clips send the #1 and Baron Davis ($11.25 mil in 2010 up to $14 mil in 2013)

I think everybody wins. The Griz get some talent and a much more entertaining team. Lemme know what you think...

On Wed, Jun 10, 2009 at 2:32 PM, Alex wrote:

Yeah, that good friend is super guy by the way. The end of the game was exciting, is all of hockey like that? I'm glad we could get the softcore porn reference in before 5:00, that was on my check list.

Is it even worth trying to talk about what the Grizz will do? I think everyone knows they'll panic about Rubio and end up taking Thabeet or Chris Wallace will ship OJ, Rudy, and the second pick to the Clippers for Camby, Randolph, and Baron.

Does ESPN still have the trade machine? Let me check.

The trade machine is still up, but I can't trade Warrick until he is officially a Grizzlie for 09-10, they've only given him a qualifying offer at this point. The Clippers would also have to do some more shuffling to get under the cap. In the end, I don't want Davis taking shots away from OJ and I sure as hell don't want him for another four years.

The rumor mill is running rampant with speculation involving the Celtics and Knicks. I can't get anything to work with the trade machine with the Celtics since I can't trade picks and they're about 20 million over the cap right now. After looking at the Knicks, I realize that there isn't a single player on that team I want.

On Wed, Jun 10, 2009 at 2:34 PM, Alex wrote:

Looking at the Grizzlies current salary breakdown, did you know they paid Steve Francis 2.6 mil, Damon Stoudamire 2.3 mil, and Shaun (wtf) Livingston 0.3 mil last season?

On Wed, Jun 10, 2009 at 2:54 PM, Debo wrote:

Unfortunately, I work for a spectacular employer that limits my internet access in a most delightfully effective way, so I can't access the trade machine. I have to go old school. Even more unfortunately, yes the Grizzlies pay alot of people not to play basketball for them - about $20 million dollars worth actually. And I don't mean "not play basketball" in the sense of Greg Buckner's jump shot... I mean like never stepping on the floor. Pretty sickening...

The Knicks are sad too because I think Mike D'Antoni would make a deal with the devil for Rubio, but I've seen enough of the Knicks to know that I don't want any of them. And I don't believe any of the Celtics rumors. I think they are throwing Chris Wallace a bone by drumming up interest.

And I don't mean to rain on your parade, but yes - Ariza and Odom are FA and this has been discussed pretty frequently in the media. The Lakers will resign one of them, but I don't think they can hold onto both unless Odom is willing to take a discount to stay in LA. He really likes the beach apparently.

So why don't you come out from your tower and stop nay saying... I need a trade from Alex so I can poke holes in it.

On Wed, Jun 10, 2009 at 3:16 PM, Alex wrote:

Don't worry - I'll come to your rescue.

You make a deal with the 76ers. At first you say, "What?" Let me break it down for you:

The Grizz want Thabeet because they want someone in the middle to bring a little toughness, and they want Rubio because they're not satisfied with Conley and probably traded away the better guard in Lowry.

The Sixers will lose Andre Miller and only have two other guards on their roster. You trade Darko and the #2 for Dalembert and the #17. Now the Grizz can either package the 17 and 27 and move up, or stand pat and get decent value at the PG position with Ty Lawson, Eric Maynor, or Jeff Teague.

Sorry, I have a phone call real quick - it's Chris Wallace asking if I want his job.

On Wed, Jun 10, 2009 at 3:46 PM, Debo wrote:

Thanks for breaking it down.. that was cute. So was the phone call remark, but I still don't like your trade. Here' why:

Dalembert costs waaaay too much - $11 mil. I'd take my chances on me and you finding a energy/rebounding/shot-blocker in the rookie class at #27. Secondly, I don't like Conley at all, but I don't think that the Lawson, Maynor, or Teague are upgrades. And I'm defintely not convinced enough to take that kind of chance. But I like your creativity. You've got moxy and like that in a GM.

Here's another - Grizzlies send Mike Conley and the #2 pick to Milwaukee for the #10, Joe Alexander, and Mbah a Moute (sign and trade)...

Bucks get a young guard they work with and flexibility at the #2. Memphis sheds Conley and gets two solid bench players and picks the best point guard on the board at #10 (Tyreke Evans, Johnny Flynn, etc). Starting Grizz line up: #10, Mayo, Gay, Gasol, and the winner of the Arthur/Alexander cage match. Not a massive improvement, but it doesn't cost much and we get younger bench talent. A step in the right direction.

On Wed, Jun 10, 2009 at 3:56 PM, Alex wrote:

I strive for cuteness in all things.

I think that Conley will still be the starter. He showed flashes of good to great by the end of last season and he's still young. There's a certain acclimation period for young PGs not named Chris Paul - the pick at #17 would be a back up.

Here's another fantasy, of the three-way variety: (catch the innuendo there? Hey-o!)

The Grizz ship the #2 to the Celtics for Perkins, the Celtics give up Rondo for Dalembert and swap draft picks with the 76ers. I dont know why the Celtics would do it unless they really arent as high on Rondo as they're looking like right now, BUT Memphis gets Perkins (again) and Philly gets their PG.

On Wed, Jun 10, 2009 at 3:57 PM, Alex wrote:

I'm not being nice, I'm sorry - I like your Bucks trade, but in the way someone likes a step brother.

On Wed, Jun 10, 2009 at 4:01 PM, Debo wrote:

If your three-way did go down, Boston would burn to the ground in a riot. And for once, I wouldn't blame Celtic fans for acting like idiots. I think Perkins showed his worth this post-season (defending, rebounding, some bench scoring). Celts should keep him. And if I was Rondo, I'd shoot myself in the face after that trade. He's a definitely keeper and possible championship caliber second banana. No way you move him like that.

I can't believe I'm saying this because I made a promise to myself to never turn down a three-way.... but I can't get next to your deal. No sir.

On Wed, Jun 10, 2009 at 4:05 PM, Alex wrote:

Do you think this means that the Grizz should just keep the pick? We really haven't found a better option. (And we're infallible.)

The only other option, and this is only if Rubio is guaranteed to be unsignable, is to move down a couple of spots, see if you can pick up a 2010 #1 and just grab Thabeet between four and seven.

On Wed, Jun 10, 2009 at 4:10 PM, Debo wrote:

Well, I'm morally opposed to picking Thabeet at all. If we move down, why not go with someone who will have a high pick next year and then take Flynn, Jennings, Hill, Evans or any other guards that have potential. Surely we can find a good back up and a starter between TWO top ten pick PG!?

But I agree, if we can't figure this one out... no way Chris Wallace can. But there will always be next year -- at that means another kick ass draft party!

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